Announcing the next virtual meeting of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Food and Water Sovereignty: Tuesday, November 5th, 12 noon Tucson, AZ (Pacific Standard Time) time (November 6 in Aotearoa/New Zealand). Translation will be provided in English, Spanish, French, Russian and Portuguese.
Updates will be provided on the outcomes from CBD COP 16 in Cali, Columbia, the International Indigenous Peoples Summit on Just Transition (October 8-10, Geneva), the UN Committee on Food Security (October 2024), the FAO Committee on Agriculture (September 30 – October 4th) and the upcoming UNFCCC COP 29 in Baku Azerbaijan.
Another issue that will be discussed is the 3rd Nyéléni Global Forum on Food Sovereignty that will take place in September 2025. The organizers, the International Planning Committee on Food Sovereignty, including IITC, are requesting that each region of Indigenous Peoples designate around 4 representatives to attend. The IPC is working to be able cover expenses for those not able to cover their travel through their own organizations.
Nominations for participants are requested by October 30, 2024. However, since we will discuss this on November 5th, IITC will request that the deadline be extended an extra week for the Indigenous participants.